Lav66mauro sambo ..ora, combaciava perfettamente..

artist: mauro sambo

title: ..ora, combaciava perfettamente..

artist website

date: December 10, 2015

time: 23:53

size: 334 MB

enc: 320 Kbps

style: impro, alt-jazz, sperimentazione


MAURO SAMBO, "..ora Combaciava Perfettamente.." Lav66

Laverna proceeds on its path of research and crosses the threshold of the indefinite, the non-cataloged; It opens the door to the sound that propagates free from any academic bound and generally along the territories of improvisation. The Venetian Mauro Sambo, lucid exponent of the free experimental thought, proposes two interpretations of the same composition providing video and audio supports. A track that challenges and engages the listener along a path of abstraction and of visual and sound recomposition,a track that, like any artistic offering, lends itself to the subjective. A musical expression that lives and manifests itself through improvisation, avoiding any labelling to popular or sophisticated music. Electronic, bass, percussion, Tibetan bowls, flute and bass clarinet are the tools used by Mauro Sambo in this immer(sovver)sive composition inside his world of organic notes without harmless melodic, bristling with explosive, anti-dogmatic and stinging dissonances.

Mirco Salvadori